Wednesday, February 19, 2025



Baner EN

...not word should proof our quality
but our day to day work!

Professional equipment, in-line monitoring and frequent measurements & control by dedicated, skilled people guarantees a constant high quality output of production.

We want to keep it really
easy to You!

The ECS Cable Protection's product identification offer is based on excellent printable heat shrink tubing. It includes cable & wire identification, customized marking and print job service.


...our target!

As long as the company exists we have been focusing on customer needs. Our products, quality, packaging, flexibility, service, reliability, communication and action is in line with this principle!

FAST AND FLEXIBLE find always the best solution for You!

A dynamic, enthusiastic, skilled and professional team of people is focused and creative to find the best solution. In time this has lead to many strong business relationships.

We go further in customizing
where other stop!

Customized packaging, sizing and marking differentiate your products from competition. We can and want to help you!


A- A A+

0-HAL thin wall

  • NA201

  • NZH201B

  • Basic inf.

  • Sizes

  • Colours (9)

  • Properties



An economical and high flexible heat shrink polyolefin tubing. Suitable for high volume commercial and industrial applications.


  1. Shrink ratio 2:1
  2. Halogen free
  3. Flammability resistance standard FMVSS 302
  4. Fast shrinking, flexible
  5. Shrink temperature  > 90°C
  6. Operating temperature -30°C to +105°C


pdf NA201

Standard packaging:
article icon Meter lengths, article icon Dispenser boxes, article icon Reels

Tags help icon
 Size [cale] Size [mm]  Minimum Inside Diameter Supplied [mm] Maximum Inside Diameter Recovered [mm]  Wall Thickness Recovered [nominal value, mm]
 3/64 *  1,2  1,2  0,6  0,41
 1/16  1,6  1,6  0,8  0,43
 3/32  2,4  2,4  1,2  0,51
 1/8  3,2  3,2  1,6  0,51
 3/16  4,8  4,8  2,4  0,51
 1/4  6,4  6,4  3,2  0,65
 3/8  9,5  9,5  4,8  0,65
 1/2  12,7  12,7  6,4  0,65
3/4 19,1  19,1  9,5  0,77
1 25,4  25,4  12,7  0,89
1 1/2 38,1  38,1  19,1  1,00
2 50,8  50,8  25,4  1,10

 * Available only in black color"

Standard colours *:

  • RED

  • BLUE




Non standard colours *:


  • GREY


* Listed above colours are illustrative and can differ from the physical samples. The differences arise because of differences in hardware monitors, printers and other devices.

Physical properties:

Property Test method Typical value
Tensile strength  ASTM D638  10 N/mm2
Elongation at break  ASTM D638  200%
Longitudinal change  ASTM D2671  -10% to +5%
Water absorption  ASTM D570  max. 0,5%
Specific gravity  ASTM D792  1,20

Thermal properties:

Property Test method Typical value
Heat shock 4 hours at  175°C  ASTM D2671 no dripping, cracking or flowing
Heat aging 168 hours at  150°C  ASTM D2671 elongation 100%
Low temp. flexibility at  -30°C  ASTM D2671 C no cracking
Flammability  FMVSS 302 pass

Electrical properties:

Property Test method Typical value
Dielectric strength  ASTM D2671  20kV/mm
Volume resistivity  ASTM D257  1014 ohm/cm

Chemical properties:

Property Test method Typical value
Chemical resistance EN 60684-2-36  very good
Copper corrosion  ASTM D2671 B no corrosion
  • Basic inf.

  • Sizes

  • Colours (7)

  • Properties

  • Norms



Low smoke, zerohal, flame retardant, flexible polyolefin heat shrink tubing which is especially designed and sized to be flattened for identification purposes.


  1. 0-Hal, thin wall
  2. Shrink ratio 2:1
  3. Designed to be flattened for marking systems
  4. Vehicle category Ia according BS6853 (1999)
  5. Excellent printability
  6. Flammability resistance ASTM D 635-HB
  7. Shrink temperature  > 90°C
  8. Operating temperature -55°C to +105°C


pdf NZH201B

Standard packaging:
article icon Reels

Related products:
article icon FLZH201B, article icon Y201P, article icon Y501P, article icon Y501P-DR

Tags help icon
Size [inch]Minimum - Maximum Inside Diameter Supplied [mm] Maximum Inside Diameter Recovered [mm]Wall Thickness Recovered [mm] Wall Thickness Supplied [ mm]Concentricity [%]
3/32  2,5 - 2,85 1,2  0,43 - 0,60  0,21 - 0,29 80
1/8  3,6 - 3,9 1,6  0,55 - 0,72  0,25 - 0,35 80
3/16  5,2 - 5,5 2,4  0,55 - 0,72  0,25 - 0,35 80
1/4  6,7 - 7,0 3,2  0,65 - 0,80  0,32 - 0,44 80
3/8  10,0 - 10,4 4,8  0,65 - 0,75  0,31 - 0,43 80
1/2  13,6 - 14,0 6,4  0,65 - 0,75  0,31 - 0,43 80
3/4 20,4 - 20,8 9,5  0,70 - 0,85  0,35 - 0,43 80
1 27,0 - 27,4 12,7  0,85 - 1,00  0,35 - 0,43 80
1 1/2 40,0 - 40,5 19,1  0,90 - 1,05  0,44 - 0,52 80
2 50,8 - 53,0 25,4 0,90 - 1,05 0,38 - 0,53 70
Standard colours *:



Non standard colours *:




* Listed above colours are illustrative and can differ from the physical samples. The differences arise because of differences in hardware monitors, printers and other devices.

Physical properties:
PropertyTest methodTypical value
Tensile strength  ASTM D 638  10 N/mm2
Elongation at break  ASTM D 638  200%
Longitudinal change  ASTM D 2671 -10% to +5%
Water absorption  ASTM D 570  ≤ 0,15%
Specific gravity  ASTM D 792  1,40
Thermal properties:
PropertyTest methodTypical value
Heat shock 4 hours at  175°C  ASTM D 2671 no dripping, cracking or flowing
Heat aging 168 hours at  150°C  ASTM D 638 elongation ≥ 100%
Low temp. flexibility at  -55°C  ASTM D 2671 C No break, no crack, no detachment of coating or detamination
Flammability  ASTM D 635-HB pass
Optical density of smoke (Dm) ASTM E 662 flaming mode 41
non-flaming mode 111
Smoke index NF F16-101  smoke class F1
Electrical properties:
PropertyTest methodTypical value
Dielectric strength  ASTM D 2671  20kV/mm
Volume resistivity  ASTM D 257  1014 ohm/cm
Chemical properties:
PropertyTest methodTypical value
Chemical resistance AMS-DTL-23053/5  good
Copper corrosion  ASTM D 2671 B no corrosion
Oxygen index EN ISO 4589-2 (1999) 35%


  1. ASTM D 635-HB flammability resistance
  2. Boeing BS 7239 toxic gas generation M7

Railway normative:

  1. BS6853 (1999) vehicle category Ia
  2. EN 45545-2 class HL3
  3. LUL 1-085: A3 compliant
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