Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) is an independent product safety certification organization established in 1894. Our company is certified for compliance with UL224 Extruded Standard Insulating Tubing since 2002.
The scope of certification are covered by a number of heat-shrinkable polyolefin products (go to UL products). By the compliance with the requirements of UL224 it is confirmed that our products indicate high quality, performance and safety in use.
We also offer to our customers a Multiple Listing Service. It is used for products having UL certification for U.S. and/or Canadian markets. Customers participating in this service has the ability to define their own product designation. After finishing the program our customers also receive an unique E-number. A defined name and certification number, along with the UL logo, will be used to mark the final product*. This service is pointing you, as our customer, as the main supplier of the product. You do not have to pass regular UL audits, which are required for normal certification.
To check our registration details please click below
UL Verification
You can also download UL certificate clicking on below link
Download UL certificate
* Sub listed customers do not have permission to mark the product with UL information on their own, because they are not under direct supervision of the UL representative. This permission has only the primary producer who is subjected to systematic audits to check the correctness of the marking of the products. In order to obtain such a permission additional UL registration is required.